Sunday, February 28, 2010


Okay, let's face it, everyone--there's no escaping it. No matter where you go, it's trailing behind like a shadow, or that smell that sticks to your clothes after you leave grandma's house. It can erupt out of us at any time of day; in a way, you might say that it's a part of our human nature. It happens when we get out of bed, take our clothes off to step in the shower, getting out of the shower, going to class (wait, put clothes on first), sitting in class, eating our meals, when we're doing homework in the library (in fact, that's where you'll find it the most), shit even at a house party---it's there.

So what the hell is it?

Awkwardness--learn it.

Yes, I'm a college student, a seasoned veteran at best. In fact, not only am I an extremely sociable person (writing for the paper, being an active member of a fraternity), but I still make the grade at the end of the day. Still, this high school complex still tends to follow me around like white on rice. Nearly every move I make, every response I vocalize, may or may not lead to an unforgivable silence. Though, in all honesty, I can't say that I can help it, and neither can you. Because I'm a 6'2, 165 pound English major who can only blabber about my obsession with Coldplay, F. Scott Fitzgerald and cereal, awkwardness has become a part of me as if it were a phalange. But believe it or not, I'm alright with that. In fact, let this be my gift to you, generous reader.

Every entry that you may or may not read from here on out will document my daily awkward interactions with the remainder of the human (and maybe even ananomate) population. From this, I hope that you gain a sense of understanding that it's alright to experience these types of occurrences, perhaps even normal.

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